Thursday, August 23, 2012

girl talk

"sometimes, i try to get the root of the problem. maybe you aren't mad that he didn't eat the brownies. maybe the brownies represent the fact that your feeling like he isn't paying enough attention to your feelings or the relationship? maybe you should bring it up and be completely clear that it upset you he didn't eat the brownies you made for him, but after some contemplation and talking with a friend, you have come to the realization that its more than that and you want to get to the bottom of it before it begins to seriously affect your relationship, especially because he is living so far away now and your feeling more and more lonely and unattached and its getting to the point that you actually wish he would just lie to you to make you feel needed and say 'yeah, the brownies were great! i just ate one'... even if he didnt? maybe its high time you really sit down and talk about where things are and where things are going and make sure you are on the same page, and that everything is out. it might even be a good idea to have the brownies in the middle of the table, kind of like a buffer for any fighting words that may come out. and in that case, if the conversation doesnt go well, at least you'll have something sweet to eat while you feel bad about yourself and how things went and how you could've probably done or said something different?"

"i really think its just about the brownies."

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