Monday, July 9, 2012

the boy king

once there was a boy who walked up to the top of the very highest hill in his village. he looked down at all that his people created and he felt content.  his heart was warm. but as full as this boy was with happiness, he was also very fearful, for his father was the chief of the village and was growing very ill. soon, the boy would need become a man and follow in the footsteps of his great father who won many battles defending their people. the boy knew his fellow villagers thought he was too young and too weak to become a great chief, so he came up to this very hill hoping the spirit winds would show him how to prove his greatness to them.

after many moments of silence, the boy stood up, turned his back to his people, and walked down the hill. he knew what he needed to do.

a few days later, a passing tribe stumbled upon the land where the boys village stood. they were stunned at what they found. the noble huts were empty. the lavish crops remained unharvested. animals ran free in the puttied streets. screams and cries could be heard from the top of the very highest hill in the village.

when the passing tribe finally reached the peak of this hill, they could not believe their eyes. the young boys tribe were found bent over on their knees, facing toward the village they abandoned. in front of them, the boy lay flat on his back with a knife in his hand. his royal blood dripped towards his kneeling subjects. the boy had stapped himself in the heart.

legend will say that the spirit winds wispered to the young boy king and told him he would only be accepted by his people if he would be willing to die for them. and so, he did.

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