Tuesday, July 17, 2012

like new

the longer she looked at it, stared at it, the more she found wrong with it. there were cracks in it, lots of them. she was concerned by this, quite alarmed by this, in fact, since she never noticed these cracks before. all of a sudden it seemed like it might just fall apart. right there in front of her. it needed fixing, that was for sure. it was run down and shabby, like a something you put in an attic 10 years ago and never went back to. yeah, something quite like that, exactly.

she wanted so badly to grab onto and keep it safe.. it was so fragile. but she was too scared, too fearful she might break it even further. and she knew that something like this could happen... breaking it more by grabbing on too tight. yes, she learned that lesson they hard way when she was 7. she was playing in the yard and tried to grab a butterfly.

after much contemplation, however, she decided she would try to pull all the broken pieces together and make it better. she'd get to the bottom of it, the parts that were broken, slowly but surely. she'd sand it down to its oldest, purest layer. she'd get rid of every crack and glue together every corner. two times over, just to be certain all was well. she'd give it a fresh coat of paint. anyone who had eyes could see that it'd be just like new. just like it was back then.

...and this was their love.

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